Friday, April 12, 2013

Welcome to my world

So now what to I do with this blog?  It took me weeks to come up with a title (at least one that wasn't already taken) only to arrive at Extroverted Recluse.  This was a self-proclaimed title, one that describes me quite accurately.  With friends, I'm a social butterfly who asks way too many questions and talks way too much..and more often then not, too loudly.  But in reality, I crave the silence of my apartment and you'll often hear me say, "I can't wait to go sit & stare." Stare at what?  I don't know - the ceiling, air, my laptop, the tv, a book.. anything that I don't have to interact with.

So why the blog?  One, I can do it in the quiet of my own home.  But more so because I needed an outlet to write.  I have a degree in Public Relations/ Journalism and unfortunately use none of my writing abilities in my 9-5 (or in my case, often 10-4) job.

So what's this going to be about... well, just a background on me, although anyone reading at this point probably already knows me and I've begged you to come check it out!  I'm currently in my twilight year of my 30s; no longer living the carefree life of my 20s yet not dawned into my 40s.  I feel this time of my life is definitely a growing and enlightening stage; yet I'm mature enough to recognize where I've been and identify where I want to go.  Still lots of questions circling my head, of course, but hopefully my goggles are on a bit tighter and clearer to see that road ahead.

My intent with this blog will be more lifestyle driven - fashion, food, travel, work, dating, and sometimes probably complete jarbled nonsense - but more targeted for a "gal of a certain age".. you know who you are!

Whenever asked my age, I will respond, "Always 29" but let's face it, I really don't want to be 29 again!  I had a lot of fun in my 20s: up till 2am 4-5 times per week, waking up somewhere in Newport looking for my car or a cab.  Those days are LONG gone for me and I'm quite content with my 10pm bedtime and waking up in my own bed.  Age is but a number, so unless you ask to see my license, I will always be 29.

Who knows what the next decade will bring - but I'm excited to find out!

So, hope you enjoy it... I'm still trying to figure out how use the 25 new fonts I uploaded?

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